Friday, January 29, 2021

How to successfully follow a diet?

Dieting is not always easy: restrictions, frustrations, temptations, and loss of motivation are often present. To put all the odds in your favor, and no longer live a diet like a chore that we would have done well, here are some tips for successfully following a diet.

Diet Plan

10 Tips to Follow

Tip o 1: set achievable goals

As back to school, summer or the new year approaches, magazines often feature miraculous diets promising the possibility of losing many pounds in record time. These promises are often unrealistic and when they are plausible, they involve dietary restrictions that are extremely deleterious to the body. It is better to avoid this kind of diet and instead opt for a diet emphasizing dietary diversity (to avoid any deficiency) and allowing gradual weight loss - 1 kg to 1.5 kg maximum per week.


Tip o 2: the role of relatives

Relatives often provide support during a diet. But if they are not aware, they can on the contrary become real "push-to-vice", without knowing it, and offer caloric foods or drinks, without knowing that they will be so many temptations. It is also better to warn those around you (spouse, parent, friends, colleagues) and make them allies. They will be able to offer their help on a daily basis, with welcome attention or encouragement.

Tip o 3: seek the advice of a health professional

There are diet and diet. As mentioned above, certain restrictive diets or exclusives (soup diet cabbage, cucumber diet) can cause significant damage to health. In addition, these diets are often ineffective in the long term and encourage the yoyo effect because they slow down the metabolism.


Also, to succeed in a diet, it seems preferable to approach a health professional, such as a nutritionist. or a dietitian, or even his general practitioner. He will be an undeniable help and will be able to develop an effective diet program, not dangerous for health and adapted to the metabolism of the person wishing to lose weight. Better to rely on sound advice than to throw headlong into a strange and certainly harmful diet. 


Tip o 4: plan your meals for the week

To be successful in dieting, it may be beneficial to establish a weekly meal plan. This trick allows you to plan slimming menus in advance and do your shopping accordingly. So we are less tempted to depart from this "line of conduct" once it is written in black and white. Other substantial advantages to planning meals: are better calorie control, the pleasure of creating tailor-made meals… and better management of your food budget!

Tip o 5: better-prepared races

Once the weekly meal plan is done, you have to stick to it. To do this, nothing beats the development of a shopping list, precise and in line with diet meals. This little trick allows you to better control your purchases and, consequently, what you put in your cupboards and fridge. 

You are less tempted to buy "extras" when everything is written and planned. In addition, it is essential to shop on a full stomach. Indeed, it has been proven time and time again that hunger influences behavior. A high level of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) increases the attraction to foods with high-calorie density. (1) So, before going to the supermarket, it is best to bite into an apple., a few sticks of vegetables, or eat a little cottage cheese … Satiating, and low-calorie foods!


Tip o 6: cook yourself

Being on a diet means saying goodbye to ready meals and home deliveries and reinvesting in your kitchen. For a successful diet, nothing beats homemade. In addition, preparing your own meals is healthier, more effective in slimming down (because you control the addition of fat and salt), often tastes better and, what is more, is economical.

 A diet is not necessarily synonymous with a boring mono diet: by going back to the kitchen, you can test new ingredients, vary the seasonings (spices being excellent substitutes for salt) and thus prepare delicious dishes, low in calories but tasty.


Tip o7: hydrated throughout the day

To successfully diet, you need to drink water regularly. Moreover, popular wisdom says that "hunger is a thirst that you ignore". An adage that is rightly based on science: indeed, the brain receptors for hunger and thirst are the same. 

The cravings are often sensations of thirst we misinterpret. Also, it is better to drink a large glass of water or a cup of tea than to swallow anything and undermine your diet. In addition, drinking throughout the day optimizes the effects of the diet: drainage of the body, prevention of water retention, and better digestion.  


Tip o 8: stop relying on its balance

When you are on a diet, you are often tempted to weigh yourself constantly, to see possible results. Only the weight can vary depending on a large number of factors: time of weighing, state of intestinal transit, menstrual cycle, and propensity to retain water.

 In addition, the weight displayed on the scale is not always a good indicator of health and/or thinness, especially when we know that muscle weighs more than fat. To become fully aware of your progress, and to succeed in your diet, it is better to take your measurements. They will be much more revealing of the progress made and will thus constitute an additional motivation! 


Tip o 9: sports

Weight loss is based 70% on diet and 30% on physical activity. Also, to succeed in your diet, sport seems essential. The best solution to indulge your heart's content: choose a sporting activity that you like. The food diet is already restrictive. If the workouts are also, there is little chance of carrying out your diet. Of course, cardio activities are more effective for weight loss: cycling or elliptical trainer, rowing machine, running or brisk walking are all recommended sports. 

But if you are keen on Other sports, such as dance, home fitness, or swimming, these activities are also very effective for weight loss. To this sporting activity, which must be practiced regularly to bear fruit, it is important to add movement to everyday life, such as, for example, favoring trips on foot or by bike rather than by car.   


Tip o 10: be tolerant of yourself

Lasting weight loss is a complex process, as far as the body can be. You can lose weight quickly initially, then stagnate. The reverse can also happen. The important thing is to rebalance, to establish new eating habits over time, and, after an attack phase, to reintroduce small pleasures: a square of dark chocolate for dessert, a gourmet snack (banana and butter peanuts, frozen yogurt…). If you have swerved, you should not flog yourself. 

Better to have enjoyed it, and gently attack your diet the next day. The success of a diet is above all based on patience and tolerance towards oneself.

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