Friday, March 12, 2021

What are the Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight On Keto

12 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight On Keto

weight loss on keto

·        You haven't reached ketosis after all. The only way to be sure you're in ketosis is to check - either through the use of a keto urine stick, a breath meter, or a blood meter. Keep in mind that not everything is as accurate as a blood meter, so it might be worthwhile to invest if you want to monitor things a little more carefully.


·        You're eating too many calories. All too often we get caught up in thinking that just because a food is allowed, it's ok to eat without stopping to realize that some things - like nuts and cheese - are high in calories. You have to monitor more than the carbs.


·        You're eating too many carbs. That's because many foods have 'hidden' carbs that you might not know are there. The best solution? Use an app designed to track foods for your keto diet. There are some great ones that will break down foods into the macronutrients for you, so you know exactly what you're getting.


·        Your protein is off - either it's too high or too low. Calculating the right amount of anything to eat is sometimes tricky. All too often people end to think that a keto diet means they can have all the protein they want, and so they overdo it. You still need to track your food, so be sure to measure out your portions, and again, keep track of what you eat.


·        You're cheating somewhere. Remember 'sugar-free' does not necessarily mean 'carb-free.' Keep an eye on those little treats you're allowing yourself. A few carbs here and there will really add up quickly.


·        Too many nuts and dairy. Because they're keto-friendly, nuts and dairy make an easy snack. But these are also foods that can be very high in calories, and so using them casually can also add up fast. Also, there is some question about whether food allergies might contribute to problems here since nut and dairy allergies are so very common.


·        You're almost at your target weight. Congratulations, you've hit a plateau! Those last few pounds can be very challenging to lose when you get within 5- 10 pounds of your goal weight. The only way past this is going to be to lock down the calories somewhat. No, you're not going into starvation mode, but a couple of hundred fewer calories for a limited time might be the boost you need to get moving again.


·        Body fluctuations are doing you in. If you weigh yourself daily you're going to see a lot of shifting about of weight - sometimes up to several pounds in one direction or the other. A scale is a terrible way to mark your progress and should be avoided as much as possible.

·        You're stressing too much. Stress leads to the creation of sugar within your body so that when you're stressing, you're knocking yourself out of ketosis.

·        You're not sleeping. Like with stress, too little sleep is going to cause stress in your body. And again, stress is going to put sugars into your system. Regulating your sleep through a good sleep environment with a set schedule makes all the difference in the world in making your body readier to lose weight.


·        Too much exercise. When you exercise excessively your body is going to demand extra fuel. But that intake of fuel might outweigh the benefits of the exercise. It becomes a vicious cycle that keeps right on going around.

·        You have thyroid or adrenal issues. It might just be that you're doing nothing wrong at all. Instead, you might be having medical issues that are keeping you from losing weight. A visit to your doctor and a blood test will determine if this is the case.


While there are many reasons that the weight might not be coming off, thankfully there are just as many solutions to the problem. Below, find several ideas that will help you to get past this plateau.



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