Wednesday, July 20, 2022

From Someone Who Lost 70 lbs., The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret

I dropped 70 pounds and achieved my target weight early this year after decades of dealing with my weight and all the associated difficulties, such as limited mobility, lack of desire, eating disorders, fat-shaming, and beauty prejudice. Although the entire experience was challenging yet fantastic, it wasn't as glamorous as it was enlightening.

I started an indefinite adventure to lose the additional weight and build a completely different lifestyle last January at the age of 42. This trip was different from all of my prior attempts, which had either failed or succeeded momentarily only for me to gain the weight again.

The past year has taught me a lot about exercise, nutrition, and most importantly, my own willpower. And I think I've discovered the key component of weight reduction and weight management.

The secret has been known for ages, but it's so easy and tough at the same time that I disregarded it for years while searching for a different answer.

I have tried every diet and exercise program known to man. I experimented with several diets, including keto, South Beach, Atkins, juice and water fasting, and intuitive eating. I made an effort to increase my metabolism by consuming superfoods, fiber-rich foods, and medications. I tried several types of exercise, including jogging, yoga, and that dumb stationary cycle where you sit in a cellophane for an hour to make you sweat.

And what about that? The diets were effective. The medication worked. Shortcuts were successful. Eventually, depending on the strategy, I shed a few or a lot of pounds. I gained it all back and then some when I stopped dieting and relaxed my workout routine, which left me feeling terribly disappointed and discouraged. I restarted it afterward with an even greater starting weight. I went through phases of binge eating and then starvation. Overtraining was destroying both my joints and my spirit. And I persisted in refusing to accept the answer.

I was searching for a magic wand that would instantly make me fit and trim. I was dissatisfied with my body since it didn't appear to be working with me.

I was often criticizing myself, which damaged both my self-esteem and my days.

With hindsight and more knowledge, it makes sense why my efforts failed. Why then did my body refuse to cooperate? It seems sensible that after a week or month I lost motivation. I was mishandling it.

Lifelong weight control

I've always envied folks who are naturally thin. Of course, it would be wonderful to be able to consume as much food as you want and yet be in the finest form of your life without having to subject yourself to unending physical pain.

But for most of us, the game is the same, excluding a select few really fortunate people with the ideal DNA (assuming such people even exist). Our lifestyles might differ greatly, despite the fact that the situations we must contend with are rather similar.

People who are naturally thin tend to move more naturally, fidget more naturally, and eat smaller quantities naturally. The behaviors that result in being naturally slim aren't actually that miraculous, whether it's due to a different upbringing, hunger, or genetic makeup.

Sounds difficult? We have wonderful news. It implies that you may lead a lifestyle in which your routines and actions will make it easier for you to keep a healthy weight. Tying your shoelaces was once difficult for you, but look at you now; you do it without even realizing that you can do it effortlessly. It might not come naturally at first.

Weight management is a way of life, and those who don't have problems with it have the behaviors and routines that naturally keep them at a healthy weight.

Concentrate on creating habits. Concentrate on defining a new way of living. Only concentrate on the conscious aspects of it until they come naturally to you. It won't seem like a battle until it becomes a part of your identity and way of life. So, certainly, you will always need to keep your weight under control. No, you won't have to battle it indefinitely.

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