Tuesday, July 26, 2022

7 Weight Loss Rules to Live By

1. Create a successful atmosphere.

Our food environment strongly influences the foods we choose to eat. It is much simpler to choose healthy foods when they are readily available to us.

Eating healthfully becomes more challenging if our "default" environment is dominated by excessive servings of junk food. Contrarily, if we keep healthy items on hand, we are more inclined to choose healthier eating options. The idea is to make choosing healthily simple. Here are a few nutritious items I always have on hand in my kitchen.

2. Pay attention to what you can include in your eating plan.

Focus on adding nutritious things to your diet rather than approaching eating from a limited attitude and merely controlling your calorie consumption. Foods that you like and are healthy should be included in eating since it is enjoyable.

Think about creating a fish dish from your favorite cookbook for supper or using seasonal fruit or vegetable in your lunch. Try a new grain that you haven't tried before, and spice up your salad by using other veggies and garnishes. For a variation, I like to add hearts of palm or artichokes. And I try to add wild rice instead of brown rice.

3. Attend your meals in person.

The practice of mindfulness involves directing your attention to the present moment. When we practice mindful eating, we tune into our desire, pay attention to our hunger levels, and note when we are satisfied—whether we are cutting vegetables or taking a taste of food.

This method can aid in weight loss, as I noted in my book "Finally Full, Finally Slim." According to this study, those who engaged in mindful eating for six weeks on average dropped 9 pounds. You may eat consciously by using the following techniques:

  • When you eat, take a seat.

  • Slowly chew your meal.

  • Food should be cut into bite-sized pieces.

  • Avoid using electronics when you're eating.

According to this study, persons who were distracted by video games while eating consumed roughly twice as much food and ate it faster.

4. Split it in two.

While eliminating sugar, sweetened sweets, and refined grains completely may be challenging, decreasing your intake of these foods in half may be a more realistic option. Instead of eliminating some of your favorite meals, use portion management.

Consider having one serving of spaghetti as an appetizer rather than two as a main course, one cookie rather than two, and sparkling water in place of one drink. While what you eat is the key to optimal health, how much you eat is just as crucial, as I discussed in my article on common portion size errors. Additionally, it's simple to overeat because many meal portions have grown in size in recent years.

5. Use the half-plate technique.

Try to include bright veggies on half of your lunch and dinner plates. In addition to increasing your intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, vegetables are also relatively low in calories and high in fiber, which makes you feel fuller for longer. Vegetables should be varied, colored, and crunchy. I enjoy topping my meal with roasted Brussels sprouts or sautéed bok choy, adding jicama or red pepper to a salad, or all three of those things (Chinese white cabbage).

Focus on improving your diet, not cutting back, to lose weight. And a wonderful way to start is by piling veggies onto half of your plate. Making a smoothie with veggies or savoring a vegetable soup both qualify.

6. Substitute veggies with red meat.

Eating more fruits, veggies, and legumes while consuming less red and processed meat will not only help you lose weight but also lengthen your life. According to recent research, eating more vegetables instead of the traditional Western diet can add about 10 years to your longevity. So pick a vegetable burger rather than a hamburger. On a chilly winter day, eat vegetarian chili or split pea soup and top your salad with beans rather than processed meat. You can live longer and shed a few pounds at the same time.

7. Honor little triumphs.

I encourage my clients to acknowledge and appreciate any tiny accomplishments they have had along the way when providing counseling. These can include upping your water intake, foregoing the second wine glass, feeling more energized, or having some fruit as a late-afternoon snack.

Small successes over time add up to long-term success. Recognizing your progress as you go along is helpful. I also suggest avoiding worrying over the scale's reading and concentrating instead on how you feel and how your clothes fit. For my customers who are attempting to lose weight, celebrating tiny successes has been really beneficial and keeps the momentum going.

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